I had an affair on my husband with this man and I repented and asked God for forgiveness. He doesn’t understand God and says he believes in Him, but he has questions. I told him to read the Bible and go to church and talk to a preacher. I don’t look at him the same way I did. I have a godly friend/love for him only. So is it wrong to still talk to him and try to bring him to understanding God or do I just need to stop talkin to him period? I have no feeling for him anyway. Is God satisfied with what I’m trying to do with him or what? I need religious views on this please.
You shouldn’t have any more contact with the man you had an affair with. I understand your good intentions by wanting to share Christ with him, but this would be totally insulting to your husband. There is also the potential for him to renew his interest in you sexually. You should avoid causing him to be tempted by this. Your husband needs to heal from your adultery and this can only begin when you’ve made the promise of no contact. Only when this happens can the healing process begin. You can also have faith and pray that the Lord will find someone else to explain God to this man.