If Adam and Eve were just two then why are there are so many races in the world?
It is true that Adam and Eve were the first human beings and we are descendants of them. However, as generations were born, they migrated to other lands. Today, three major ethnic groups can be traced to the three sons of Noah – Shem, Ham and Japheth. Japheth settled in Europe, Shem in the Middle East and Ham in Africa (Genesis 10). From them were born generations which populated these continents while others settled in distant lands. As a result, they developed their own ethnicity and culture. They also took on similar facial features being born of the same “race”. In addition, their bodies adapted to the countries they lived in. For example, the skin of the African people is dark due to the constant exposure to the sun and the skin mutations which occurred over time. The same is true of the Middle Easterners who have less exposure to the sun. They have a lighter brown or bronze skin. In addition, different languages were developed which originated from the time of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:9). Put them all together and this is why we have so many races in the world.