Hello Reverend. I have worked in an animal shelter for the past 8 years and continually witness day after day people who neglect, abuse and mistreat animals. Some stories you hear on the news or the internet, but I can’t help wondering how many animals are being mistreated and hurt and killed that we do not even know about and what happens to the people who do such horrible things? One question I have is, if these people ask God for forgiveness, will it be granted and will He allow them access to heaven? I once worked with a very religious woman who told me that an animal’s soul does not go to heaven, but there are lambs and lions and horses mentioned in the Bible. I would very much like to hear what you have learned and believe pertaining to God and animals. It is a very depressing subject and although there are kind and compassionate people who take care of animals, I find myself wondering how can people who inflict pain and suffering on animals, or children and the elderly possibly be forgiven? How does God make them see the wrong that they have done? I also see and assist in humane euthanasia as part of my job and wonder if it is wrong for us to be ending a life that God created or was it part of God’s plan? Did he give us the intelligence to create drugs that can painlessly end the suffering of an animal or are we just taking matters that we should not into our own hands?
The Bible doesn’t say if an animal has a soul or not or if they go to heaven. However, the Bible does say, “Who knows if the spirit of man rises upward and if the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth?” – Ecclesiastes 3:21. Nevertheless, cruelty to animals is wrong and God doesn’t like it either. There is a story in the Bible about a city that God was going to judge. God said He was going to destroy the city because of their continual evil, but if the people repented, He would forgive them. When the prophet Jonah questioned God about forgiving them, God said, “And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left––and much livestock?” – Jonah 4:11.
There are two things to notice here. You asked if a person could be forgiven and allowed into heaven if they mistreated animals, children or the elderly? The answer is yes, if they ask God for forgiveness. However, they shouldn’t continue doing these wrong things. True repentance is about turning from sin. The other thing to notice in this story is that God mentioned the “livestock”. It is therefore obvious that He cares about animals too. When people are cruel to animals, it’s usually because they are angry inside and take it out on an animal thinking no one will know. I can appreciate how much this must bother you even more doing what you do.
What can be done? The Bible says, “A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal” – Proverbs 12:10. I believe there needs to be greater awareness brought to the public and tougher laws put in place. Regarding animal euthanasia, it’s unfortunately the only solution in many cases. God has given us dominion over the animals (Genesis 1:28) so we can take the life of an animal if necessary.